I watched Joe Biden’s victory speech. He exuded decency, graciousness, , unity, humanity and forgiveness, qualities befitting not only the occupant of the high office of the POTUS, but a man of faith. Nevertheless, the right wing evangelicals in America and other parts of the world, who project themselves as vanguards of faith, would rather have Donald Trump, a man whose speeches and actions are full of hate, division, strife, profanity, lies, indecorous language and at times plain stupidity. They chose him for the reason that he delivers to them political trophies like abolishment of abortion, outlawing gay marriages, and blind support for Israel in the conflict with Palestinians. Of the two men, Trump and Biden, the former is the worst possible model of the Christian faith but for the sake of political benefits, the vanguards of faith have no problem projecting that image, which should be held in contradistinction to Christian values. This stance is akin to accepting the devil because he promised you goodness and heaven, and makes mockery of Jesus’ rejection of Satan when offered him the world in Mathew chapter 4.
Maybe contrary to the naïve beliefs of some of us, the church is more about political trophies than curing the hearts of men. It is probably more important to say “this is a Christian country” than to say “the nationals are Christians”, it is more important to outlaw gay marriages, than having Christians who choose not to be gay, It is more important to outlaw abortion than having Christians who choose not to abort.
Thanks to Paula White, Pat Robinson, and all the other Christian leaders, who project Trump, we get the message- political trophies trump the state of the heart of men. I now understand why slaver endured for centuries along with the gospel. When we were told, “Jesus loves you”, we did not read the fine prints, “only that he loves us more”. I guess those prints were important in the politics of enslaving those who Christ had set free.
I could not have said it better,I listened to some of these "Prophets" and the things they claimed to have seen and heard concerning a trump second term was frightening to say the least.Too many political charlatans masquerading as Christians but doing exactly opposite what Christ did...